Thursday, May 29, 2014

Embroidered Ombre Monogram Tutorial

The card today features embroidery. I love the effect of stitching on a card - especially when the thread is ombre and teal. As much as I love this look, it is very time consuming. It doesn't bother me so much, I tend to like tedious work, but I feel like I should warn the rest of you. For your letters, there are lots of options. Anything that can be used as a template, will work (examples: stamps, printed from the computer, stickers, letter embellishments, or draw your own)

1. Letters: Once you have chosen the letter that you want, put it on some scratch paper or printer paper. (I drew my own letters on notebook paper below.

2. Next, position your letter over the cardstock that you would like to stitch onto. (Make sure you have something behind the papers to protect your work surface from holes. (I use kitchen towels). Once the letter is positioned, poke holes in the ouline of both the template layer and cardstock.

3. Remove the template and you can see where you need to stitch.

4. Take some thread and get to work (this is the time-consuming part). I like to use ombre thread, because it adds so much interest to a somewhat "flat" project. I like to use 3 strands of embroidery thread (it comes in bunches of 6 strands) for the perfect weight of the lines. And that's it!

Here is my finished project.

Materials: White cardstock, embroidery thread
Size: Standard A2 card 4 1/4" x 5 1/2"

Thanks for stopping by!

I use the craft products that I like to use. I am not paid by anyone or any entity for marketing of the various products that I may mention on this blog.

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