Sunday, May 4, 2014

Stitched Arrows Thank You

I have an old dictionary - let's face it, paper dictionaries are a thing of the past. I hate to just throw it away, so I'm always thinking of ways to incorporate it into some kind of craft. I actually covered a tray with dictionary pages awhile back that I'lll try to share soon because it actually turned out quite well. I digress, for today I have some cards with a few slight variations in design that I would like to share using old dictionary paper. The arrows are created by cutting squares, then cutting in half diagonally, then trimming out the "middle" of the triangle. (save all those scraps for tomorrow's card!) I tried some bright colors, an ombre effect, and the unaltered dictionary pages. To add some interest and texture, I used my sewing machine to make some stitching. The "thank you" is handwritten in black gel pen.

For the dictionary pages, they are actually glued to white cardstock to add some bulk since the pages are so thin. For the coloring, I used a 36 pack of Bic markers (they are alcohol based like Copic brand, but very inexpensive.)

Believe it or not, the hardest part of this design was making sure the text was all going in the right direction!

Materials: White cardstock, dictionary paper, stitching with white quilting thread, black gell pen, Bic markers
Size: Standard A2 card 4 1/4" x 5 1/2"

Thanks for stopping by!

I use the craft products that I like to use. I am not paid by anyone or any entity for marketing of the various products that I may mention on this blog.

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